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Coctail recipies!

Hvað er þetta með að henda sér á fyllirí og drekka bara eins og svín fullt af bjór á stuttum tíma, vodkablönduðum appelsínudjús og svo nokkur skot af einhverju ógeði? Ég veit að þú hefur gert það, og ég hef pottþétt gert það, en hvað er samt pointið með því?
Ég trúi því ekki að forfeður okkar sem uppgötvuðu vínið við mikinn fögnuð aðstandenda sem og framtíðardrykkjumanna, hafi gert sér grein fyrir því, eða vonast til þess að þessi vínandi sem svo oft skemmtir okkur á saklausum helgum, eða annað, ætti eftir að vera notaður svona.
Miklu frekar held ég að þeir hafi búist við því, og vonað að við drykkjum þetta rólega, nytum hvers sopa, blandaðan eðalblandi nútímans. Af því tilefni, með von um notkun á eftirfarandi og enn meiri ánægju af drykkjukvöldum framtíðarinnar, birti ég hérna nokkrar coctailuppskriftir sem voru kosnar í topp tíu listann yfir þær vinsælustu og bestu á coctailvefnum : http://www.idrink.com/top10.html

1) Sex On The Beach Recipe

Rating: 91 % (of 11306 votes)
Ingredients: 0.5 full Cranberry juice
0.75 oz. Peach Schnapps
0.5 full Pineapple Juice
1.0 oz. Vodka

Directions: Put in vodka and peach schnapps and then fill remainder with half each of the juices. Stir in highball glass

2) Red-Headed Slut Recipe

Rating: 91 % (of 1774 votes)
Ingredients: 1.0 splash Cranberry juice
0.5 oz Peach Schnapps
0.75 oz Jagermeister

Directions: Combine ingredients in shaker with ice; chill, strain, and shoot to thrill.

3) Irish Car Bomb Recipe

Rating: 91 % (of 1694 votes)
Ingredients: 1.0 pint Guinness Beer
1.0 shot Bailey Irish Cream
1.0 shot Jameson Rye/Whiskey

Directions: Fill a pint glass 2/3 full with Guinness. Fill a double shot glass with the Bailey's and Jameson. Drop the shot glass into the pint of Guinness, and chug.

4) Buttery Nipple Shooter Recipe

Rating: 92 % (of 1555 votes)
Ingredients: 1.0 oz Butterscotch Schnapps
0.5 oz Irish Cream

Directions: pour a shot of butterscotch Schnapps and easily pour a layer of Irish Cream to the top. You'll see it floats. then you shoot it.

5) Adios Mother Fucker Recipe

Rating: 91 % (of 1171 votes)
Ingredients: 2.0 splashes Blue Curacao
0.5 oz Gin
4.0 cubes Ice
0.5 oz Light Rum
1.0 Fill Sour mix
0.5 oz Triple sec
0.5 oz Vodka

Directions: Fill glass with ice. Pour in all white liquors. Fill glass with sour mix and top off with Blue Curacao. Squeeze a wedge of lemon, and stir.

6) White Russian Lebowski style Recipe

Rating: 91 % (of 1034 votes)
Ingredients: 2.0 oz Kalua (liquer) Amaretto
6.0 oz Milk
2.0 oz Vodka

Directions: Mix them i a glass, and fill with 3-5 cubes

7) Blind White Russian Recipe

Rating: 91 % (of 413 votes)
Ingredients: 1.5 oz Kahlua Coffee Liqueur
3.0 cubes Ice
1.5 oz Bailey's Irish Cream
1.5 oz Vodka

Directions: Mix Vodka and Kahlua over Ice. Slowly add Baileys so that it floats on top. Serve with stir stick

8) Purple Hooter Shooter Recipe

Rating: 91 % (of 356 votes)
Ingredients: 1.0 splash Cranberry juice
1.0 splash Sour mix
1.0 oz Vodka
0.5 oz Raspberry Schnapps

Directions: shake well pour in large shot glass. bottoms up.

9) Red Death Recipe

Rating: 91 % (of 345 votes)
Ingredients: 1.0 oz Amaretto
1.0 oz Peach Schnapps
1.0 oz Sloe gin
1.0 oz Southern Comfort
1.0 oz Vodka

Directions: Pour all ingredients in shaker over ice. Shake well. Drain into highball glasses over ice.

10) Malibu & Orange Juice Recipe

Rating: 91 % (of 340 votes)
Ingredients: 1.0 glass Orange juice
1.5 oz Malibu Rum

Directions: Pour a glass of orange juice - the fresher the better - and add some Malibu rum, or any other coconut flavoured rum. This beats the pants off any Mimosa, and the coconut rum adds a unique flavour.